Gonzalo Gutiérrez Acevedo is a Licensed Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
He completed two Master’s Degrees at ULACIT in Tributary Law and Corporate Law in 1996.
Obtained a specialization in Modern Contracts at the University of Castilla y de la Mancha in Spain.
Took post-graduate courses in Contracts and Damages with an emphasis in Civil Liability from the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2006.
Holds studies in international broker-dealership, Arbitration and Conciliation.
In 2008, he participated in courses in relation to Estate Planning in Denver, Colorado.
In 2010, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Law Firm Administrative Processes and Management at the Institute of Law and Economy in Spain.
He is advisor for several foreign and national corporations, specializing in litigation, foreign investments, asset recovery, real estate developments, Corporate Law, Migratory Law and Estate Planning.
He has also developed himself as a university law professor.
Winner of the International Legal Award from the Institute of Law and Economics ISDE 2013, Madrid Spain.
Person in charge of the Costa Rica’s chapter in the Wolters Kluwer’s International Trust Laws and Analysis (Company Law).
During 2014, Mr. Gutiérrez studied Business and and US Taxation, all specialties taken at the New York Law School.
In 2015 he obtained a Diplomate in Energy and Climate Change, University for Peace.
In 2019 he coursed studies in Design Thinking, University for Peace.
In 2021 he obtained a Master Degree in Development Project Managment PM4R by Doing Global and Interamerican Development Bank.
Due to his multiple studies in different law areas and his leadership ability he performs as AG LEGAL’s Managing Partner.
Named Leading Practitioner by the IFLR 1000 magazine.