Concerning the energy area, Costa Rica is a leader in power generation based on a renewable sources matrix, thus, there is a high potential field for investors. Costa Rica has chosen primarily the monopoly model where the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), a state-owned company, generates electricity for the country, and also purchases it from private generators who also use renewable sources such as wind, hydroelectric and solar. Furthermore, Costa Rica is taking its first steps in distributed generation and remaining a world leader remaining sustainable energy.
The Costa Rican energy regulation is complex and involves several public institutions, such as the ICE and the Regulatory Authority for Public Services which regulates the rates for energy selling, among others. This is why the investor requires specialized guidance in the field.
AG Legal is capable of providing such guidance with respect to legal and financial structuring of BOO (Build, Operate, Own) projects and/or BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer), due diligence of energy projects, advice on tariff regulations, PPA´s (Power Purchase Agreements) negotiation, real estate for energy infrastructure, EPC (Engineering Procurement Contracts), in short, everything the investor needs from a legal perspective for the construction and operation of energy projects.