Have you had the question of how would you prove the existence of a particular piece electronic data such as e-mails, voicemails, instant messages, e-calendars, audio files, data on handheld devices, web published photographs, animation or graphics, websites, drawings and other types of digital data?

In AG Legal we have done all of this utilizing the Notary´s “public faith”. Though a simple deed we have explained and certified for example, the process a user went through in order to use a particular internet service, or attested to the contents, statements and products a particular business publicizes through its website.

This is how we have introduced some vital information such as maps, distances among places, attachments to an email, and other type of electronically produced and internet based information into civil suits in Costa Rica. It has proven to have a particular importance in Consumer´s Law, area in which ads play an imperative role in the information that is delivered to the customer, which is liable to be punished by law and can be taken out of a website so easily.

We have as well proven the value of this type of proof in Intellectual Property cases.